MMOexp: A gang of skeletons cast long shadows across a cobblestone floor

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A gang of skeletons cast long shadows across a cobblestone floor

The first few shots of the trailer are all labeled "RTX on," but you could've told me it was RTX Negative and I wouldn't have questioned it. There's a comparison at Diablo 4 Gold 0:16 where a group of ghosts gets passed through that classic before-and-after filter for ray tracing, and without looking at the little stamp in the corner, I mistook the RTX Off shot for the improved, RTX On version, appreciating the clarity of detail in the ghosts' hair and limbs and clothes. 

But the RTX, you see, was actually off, and when I realized it had come back on, I also noticed that those details were suddenly lost under a sheen of odd fluorescence. There are clearer reflections, I guess, but is that worth the hit to visual clarity when you're fighting a big mob?

At 0:20, we see a gang of skeletons cast long shadows across a cobblestone floor. When Nvidia throws the RTX switch this time, the shadows are – and you might want to sit down for this one – still there. But, like, more skeleton-y. Skeleton-ier. This sample of shadows is – I hesitate to say lifelike because, you know, undead – probably the most compelling comparison in cheap Diablo IV gold the trailer, and if skeleton-ier is the best we've got, that's really not saying much.
